
Icon Pop Quiz Answers Famous People Level 1

Icon Pop Quiz answers and walkthrough for cheats and solutions to Famous People Quiz level 1 of the Icon Pop Quiz app for iPhone, iPad, and Android. Test your knowledge of TV, Film and Characters, Famous People, and Holiday Seasons with Icon Pop Quiz by Alegrium

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icon pop quiz answers famous people level 1
  1. Steve Jobs
  2. Walt Disney
  3. Charlie Chaplin
  4. Michael Jackson
  5. Marilyn Monroe
  6. Neil Armstrong
  7. Charles Darwin
  8. Michael Jordan
  9. Psy
  10. Yoo Jae-Seok
  11. Katy Perry
  12. Rowan Atkinson
  13. Mark Zuckerberg
  14. Oprah Winfrey
  15. Yasser Arafat
  16. 14th Dalai Lama

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Comments (50)

  1. Anonymus says:

    why is my version different?????? 🙁

  2. Anonymus says:

    why is my version different?????? 🙁
    ooooh #10! he is the one on GANGNAM STYLE!
    #13 mark zuckerburg the founder of the FB!

  3. Mr. Pou says:

    What kind of name is Yoo???????!!!!!!!??????

    • Rapunchelle Renee says:

      It’s korean name… how on earth you don’t know?? of course everyone knows gangnam style it’s korean right???!!!


  4. Libby says:

    Thanks BUT number 15 is wrong

  5. kellytran says:


  6. M.Arif Budiman says:

    This Game From Indonesia..I Proud With Indonesia..

  7. Anjani Mega says:

    i really love this game!! so fun! n also adorable. n im proud for indonesians who made this game. so creatif n inovatif haha

  8. Rapunchelle Renee says:

    Why is my version different??? huahuahuahua….:(

  9. Directioner Forever says:

    Why is mine a different version?

    • asdfghjkl says:

      Some people’s version is different because there is also another game called Pop Icon Quiz, while this one is called Icon Pop Quiz. They are made by two different people/companies/brands, but relatively are the same.

      you’re welcome!

  10. asdfghjkl says:

    Some people’s version is different because there is also another game called Pop Icon Quiz, while this one is called Icon Pop Quiz. They are made by two different people/companies/brands, but relatively are the same.

    you’re welcome!