
Icomania Famous People Answers

Icomania answers and cheats to Famous People of Icomania by Games for Friends GmbH for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android.

IcoMania Answers Will Smith IcoMania Answers Elvis IcoMania Answers Johnny Depp
Hint: A black man with sunglasses and white collar.
Hint: Man with black hair, white jacket, and sunglasses
Hint: Man with hat, sunglasses, and gotte.
IcoMania Answers Armstrong IcoMania Answers Charlie Chaplin IcoMania Answers Steve Jobs
Hint: Astronaut on the moon.
Hint: Black top hat with cane.
Hint: Man with grey hair, glasses, and wearing white, apple headphones.

IcoMania Answers Einstein IcoMania Answers Obama IcoMania Answers Zuckerberg
Hint: Man with long white hair and white mustache.
Hint: Black man in front of the White House.
Hint: Blue shirted man with an “F” for a head.
IcoMania Answers Justin Bieber IcoMania Answers PSY IcoMania Answers Bill Gates
Hint: Brown hair shag.
Hint: Man with white sunglasses and bow tie.
Hint: Man with brown hair and glasses with windows in them.
IcoMania Answers Michael Jackson IcoMania Answers Che Guevara IcoMania Answers Charlie Sheen
Hint: Dancing feet with black pants.
Hint: Outline of man with hat and bushy beard, with red star.
Hint: Blue t-shirt and khaki pants.

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Comments (28)

  1. Alice says:

    IOS level 14? Famous People, Brown suit, brown tie. grey/greenish background, brown eyebrows, not much hair; brown/greyish.. Help me i’m stuck, can’t find it anywhere online..
    letters ….. .. ….. DFSLSUEIUENODN… Thanks!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Help please – a man with black hair, black suit and white shirt. No facial features given.maybe a hint of a moustache. on a pale blue back ground _ _ _ H_N__

  3. Aaliyah says:

    Charlie Chaplin

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hey does anyone know the answer to a black hat a black dot in the middle and a yellow background

  5. natalie says:

    Who is this famous person? He has black hair, smiling ,and his face is turned a little bit as if he were laughing.