
Icon Pop Quiz Answers Game Titles

Icon Pop QuizContra Icon Pop QuizAngry Birds Icon Pop QuizCandy Crush Saga
div class = “icpm-hint”>A black background with red wings and the letter S div class = “icpm-hint”>A brown slingshot div class = “icpm-hint”>A blue background with three different shapes and color candy
Icon Pop QuizCut the Rope Icon Pop QuizDraw Something Icon Pop QuizHalf-Life
div class = “icpm-hint”>A yellow and red circle on a rope div class = “icpm-hint”>A big yellow pencil div class = “icpm-hint”>A white circle with an A inside of it

Icon Pop QuizHay Day Icon Pop QuizMinecraft Icon Pop QuizThe Sims
div class = “icpm-hint”>A chicken’s head div class = “icpm-hint”>A green face div class = “icpm-hint”>A green diamond
Icon Pop QuizSnake Icon Pop QuizStreet Fighter Icon Pop QuizSuper Mario Bros
div class = “icpm-hint”>A green S div class = “icpm-hint”>A person with their hands together and a blue ball shooting out div class = “icpm-hint”>A brown box with a dark brown question mark inside
Icon Pop QuizThe Legend of Zelda Icon Pop QuizPlants VS. Zombies Icon Pop QuizTemple Run
div class = “icpm-hint”>A green backgroun with a silver sheild and sword div class = “icpm-hint”>A person with a green hand and a white flower in their hand div class = “icpm-hint”>A gold coin
Icon Pop QuizDiner Dash
div class = “icpm-hint”>A person holding up a tray

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