
Icon Pop Quiz Answers Spooky Season Pt 2

Icon Pop QuizPoltergeist Icon Pop QuizAlien Vs. Predator Icon Pop QuizResident Evil
div class = “icpm-hint”>woman arms raised at window div class = “icpm-hint”>alien teeth and 3 red dots div class = “icpm-hint”>red and white umbrella
Icon Pop QuizThe Adams Family Icon Pop QuizApolo 18 Icon Pop QuizCoraline
div class = “icpm-hint”>adams family two parents daughter son div class = “icpm-hint”>bloody astronaut with broken helmet div class = “icpm-hint”>girl with blue hair and yellow dress shadow behind her

Icon Pop QuizDead Silence Icon Pop QuizDon't Be Afraid of the Dark Icon Pop QuizDreamcatcher
div class = “icpm-hint”>man in suit with red bowtie div class = “icpm-hint”>girl with six hands reaching towards her div class = “icpm-hint”>dreamcatcher net
Icon Pop QuizHouse of 100 Corpses Icon Pop QuizInsidious Icon Pop QuizPriest
div class = “icpm-hint”>clown with american hat div class = “icpm-hint”>man shadow face beast div class = “icpm-hint”>man with cross on face
Icon Pop QuizThe Eye Icon Pop QuizThe Possession Icon Pop QuizUnder the Bed
div class = “icpm-hint”>eye with hand crawling out div class = “icpm-hint”>scary hand thing div class = “icpm-hint”>hands underwater red nails
Icon Pop QuizThe Woman in Black
div class = “icpm-hint”>woman in black at window

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