
Icomania Image 159

Level 5 Chracter

A person with long brown hair and she is wearing a red and yellow stripped scarf with a navy blue shirt.
Answer: Hermine

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Comments (7)

  1. Venice says:

    HERMIONE not hermine

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is always happens there is no good spelling

  3. aruba 69 says:

    The answer is not correct. There are 8 letters and HERMONI is spelled with 7. Pls help thank you

  4. Lishy says:

    Do these people spell check cause im 10 and i spell better than dat.
    And it is HERMIONE

  5. Lishy says:

    Do these people spell check cause im 10 and i spell better than dat!
    And it’s hermione not her mine and i don’t even know who they are!